Josefina Labourt

How do we deal with the strangeness of having/being a body and being surrounded by other bodies and in turn by ideas and words in the context of language? How do we relate to our own body and the rest of the materialities that surround us (food, other bodies, etc.)? How do we adapt our … Read more

Carla Grunauer

I investigate the possibilities of painting and drawing by taking figurations that circulate along a path of free associations and mental spaces. My works evoke different imageries, sometimes primitive, sometimes metaphysical, where architectural forms, abstractions and icons coexist. I’m interested in the development of particular execution techniques that combine contemporary materialities with traditional craft practices, … Read more

Constanza Giuliani

The formal bases of my work are anchored in the practice of drawing and painting. Using the airbrush, a tool that allows the hybridization of these activities, I develop visual imagery close to surrealism, comics, animation and graffiti. By making pseudo-stories or proto-comics, I investigate experimental writing in painting and graphic arts. The text often … Read more

Teresa Giarcovich

I develop my work overlapping layers of information. I usually create translucent surfaces and weaves with which I create different installations in space. My process of working with textiles is very similar to watercolour painting, the colour appears by a combination of accumulation and transparency, it is light sensitive and variable, dynamic. I compose with … Read more

Clara Esborraz

Clara Esborraz’s practice departs from drawing as a tool for self-exploration. Her work is crossed by pop culture, fashion, design and the history of Argentine art. She also produces texts, objects and performances which involve herself and other collaborators, exploring gender in an expanded way through their own bodies, clothing and self-fashioning. Esborraz is interested … Read more

Jimena Croceri

Jimena Croceri is a multidisciplinary artist who works in performance, object, video, drawing and writing. Her work can be characterized by its intention and experiment, by its resistance and its fluidity. In a laboratory method that is neither rational nor sterile but more curious than precise, her work consists of several main elements: time, opportunity, … Read more

Carrie Bencardino

Through my practice, I investigate the visual discourses present in the different scenes that I have frequented from an early age, from queer party circles to the metal underground of Buenos Aires. Characters with body modifications, nightclubs, junk images from the Internet, bands’ iconography are some of the frequent elements in my work, through which … Read more

Santiago Gasquet

My work shifts from painting and video to performance and drawing, this last one gathers most of my job. I’m interested in various elements that are present in collective thinking such as fear, pop music, psychotropic plants or biased typography of the mass media as resources to narrate social issues of my time and my … Read more

Mónica Heller

Mónica Heller is a cartoonist, painter and video artist. Throughout her twenty-year career she has created 2D and 3D animations, using both amateur production strategies and CGI models taken from open-source and free libraries. The self-taught nature of her approach to digital technology and the artisanal dedication she puts into each of her pieces laid … Read more

Liv Schulman

Liv Schulman’s work takes the form of filmed fictions, TV series, lecture-performances and fictional writing. Their main resources come from a comprehensive use of language; it works like an anti-critical flood that manifests itself through the instrumental use of one or more bodies. Liv is interested in the different ecologies of meaning that seem to … Read more

Joaquin Aras

I am interested in how narrative affects everyday life. My projects are based on the study of narrative structures and genres – especially cinematographic ones – together with their archetypal characters, also exploring the strategies and techniques used for the construction of stories. I use these familiar storytelling practices to try to understand the ways … Read more

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