Constanza Giuliani
1984, Mendoza

The formal bases of my work are anchored in the practice of drawing and painting. Using the airbrush, a tool that allows the hybridization of these activities, I develop visual imagery close to surrealism, comics, animation and graffiti. By making pseudo-stories or proto-comics, I investigate experimental writing in painting and graphic arts. The text often becomes form and competes or blends with the images. Literary elements such as fables, stories and poetry emerge experimentally. I’m interested in building bodies-characters-stories that can assimilate the diverse emergence of contemporary beings. Through speculative fiction, I metabolize emotions and personal experiences that hunt to reverberate with and in others, as they move from the particular to the general, from the personal to the public, from the inside to the outside and also from virtuality to real space. I search for my work to have the intimacy of emotions and forms that belong to relationships to grant it political and poetic power. I search for establishing platforms that foster poetic dialogues through a feminist perspective. This perspective is not anthropocentric but queer, it is activated from the difference that bodies and ideas present in a constant process of mutation. It explores the possibility of creating the space-time where humans and nonhumans are relationally linked through experiences and tentacular actions, doing with and becoming one with each other. My challenge is to force the boundaries between the tensions of individual and collective labour production.

BIO / CV ↯

Constanza Giuliani (b. 1984, Mendoza – Argentina) studied Visual Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. She participated in the Artists Program of the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (2012) through a scholarship granted by YPF. In 2013 she attended the monthly meetings of Yungas Arte Contemporáneo in Mendoza. She completed the BLOC mentoring program (2016) in Santiago de Chile and in 2019 she is selected to take the Migrant Scholarship at the Creative Campus of the Andrés Bello University with the Cultural Corporation of the University of Santiago (Chile).

She completed the Eskff residencies at Mana Contemporary in New Jersey (2015) and Curatorial Forensic Social Summer Camp in Chile (2015). She was selected for the Salón Vendimia (2018), Salón de Mayo Museo Rosa Galisteo (2017), received the Third Prize Acquisition UADE Artes Visuales (2016), the First Prize Salón Nacional de Rosario (2021) and participated in the Bienal de Arte Joven de Buenos Aires (2013).

She had solo exhibitions at Liste Art Fair (Basel, 2022), 13Vitrine (Lausanne, 2022), PIEDRAS (Buenos Aires, 2016, 2019, 2021), P.A.P.I. (Mexico City, 2017), Material Art Fair (PIEDRAS, 2017). Her project “VANGUARDIA TRANSFORMER” was exhibited at Laboratorio de Festival (presented by PIEDRAS, 2018) and toured Mendoza (Imagen Galería, 2018) and Santiago de Chile (Proyecto Marisol, 2019).

She participated in group exhibitions in different spaces such as Casa Nacional de Bicentenario in Buenos Aires (2023), Centro Cultural Kirchner in Buenos Aires (2022), Drawing Center in New York (2020), Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral in Santiago de Chile (2018), Casona Fernandini in Lima (2017), Centro Cultural Rojas in Buenos Aires (2015) and Museo MACRO in Rosario (2013), among others.

Her third book, “Ser una rata es muy difícil” was published in 2022.