Jimena Croceri
1981, Cutral-Có

Jimena Croceri is a multidisciplinary artist who works in performance, object, video, drawing and writing. Her work can be characterized by its intention and experiment, by its resistance and its fluidity. In a laboratory method that is neither rational nor sterile but more curious than precise, her work consists of several main elements: time, opportunity, collaboration, correlation and coincidence. To produce collective knowledge with others around her (human and non-human) is one of the transcendental elements in her artistic practice in recent years. Using both everyday materials and natural elements, her practice explores points of flexibility between gestures and rituals. Her work is multi-sensory and often includes organic elements and processes.

BIO / CV ↯

Jimena Croceri (b. 1981, lives and works in Buenos Aires) completed a Bachelor degree in visual arts at the National University of Art in Buenos Aires. She also participated in the Artist Program at Torcuato Di Tella University (2013) and has a scholarship for the Center for Artistic Research of Buenos Aires (2014). In 2018 she was artist in residency at FLORA ars+natura in Bogotá. During 2019 she worked as a fellowship of the exchange program «Coincidencia» by Pro Helvetia in Switzerland, and was a guest resident at BarProject (Barcelona) and Bibliothek Andreas Zuest (SUI). In 2020 she received the Pernord Ricard Fellowship to be artist in residence at the Villa Vassileff (Paris, France).

Performances and exhibitions include: Centro Cultural kirchner (Buenos Aires, 2021), PIEDRAS (Buenos Aires, 2020), Raven Row gallery (London,2019), Ausstellungsraum Klingental (Basel, 2021, 2019) Cabaret Voltaire (Zürich,2019), Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art (2019 and 2014) U-turn arteBA (Buenos Aires,2018) Museum of Contemporary Art (Buenos Aires, 2019), Flora ars+natura (Bogotá, 2018), Riña Gallery (Guatemala, 2018), Faena Art Center (Buenos Aires, 2017 and 2015), HFBK (Dresden, 2016), Braque Prize (Buenos As, 2015), Slyzmud Gallery (Buenos Aires, 2015) and Argentina’s embassy (Paris,2012) among others.