Joaquín Aras
1985, Buenos Aires

I am interested in how narrative affects everyday life. My projects are based on the study of narrative structures and genres – especially cinematographic ones – together with their archetypal characters, also exploring the strategies and techniques used for the construction of stories. I use these familiar storytelling practices to try to understand the ways fiction affects reality. Recently my work has focused on the affective distance between the public and the media, and the way in which storytelling can preserve memory and challenge historicity. Most of my projects start from theoretical research and end in works of various formats that include videos, installations, texts, performances, drawings, prints, objects and photographs.

BIO / CV ↯

Joaquín Aras (b. 1985, Buenos Aires) studied Communication at UCA and the MA in Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought at EGS (Switzerland). He attended Programa de Artistas and Laboratorio de Cine programs at U. Di Tella. 

He has done solo exhibitions at Piedras (2021, 2019), Cine York (2018), Móvil (2016), La Ene Museum (2014), Isla Flotante (2014, 2012). 

Recent group exhibitions include Open House: Exposures curated by Melina Berkenwald and Alessio Antoniolli at Argentine Ambassador´s Official Residence (London, UK) and And what it became is not what it is now curated by Louise Hobson at Grand Union (Birmingham, UK). His works were selected for Braque Prize, Bienalsur, Salón Nacional, Bienal de Arte Joven de Bs. As., Klemm Prize, Salón Nacional de Rosario.

He was awarded two FNA scholarships, a grant from Fundación Telefónica, a travel fund from the Oxenford Collection. He won a Bienal de Arte Joven de Bs. As. Project Award, a Plataforma Futuro Award, and an honorable mention at the Klemm Prize. He was selected for the CCA Kitakyushu Fellowship Program 2018-2019 (Japan). He was the winner of a residency at Gasworks + URRA 2019/2020 with the support of Érica Roberts and arteBA.